Translations and other resources

The Adolescent Kit was designed for adaptation! If you are using the Kit, choose the guides, tools, activities or supplies that you will find helpful, or that will work best in your context. Then, adapt them as you see fit, to make them more useful and relevant for your partners, programmes and interventions, and the adolescents you support.

Find the Adolescent Kit in other languages, OR translate it into a new language. All of the guides, tools and activities in the Adolescent Kit are available in Arabic, French and Spanish. UNICEF Country Offices and their partners around the world have also translated selected materials into Bahasa Indonesia, Myanmar, Tajik, and Arabic Braille. Go to the Translations page to browse the Adolescent Kit materials in other languages, and find suggestions and materials to help you to translate the Adolescent Kit into a new language.

Develop new guides and manuals. Like any publication available on an open source basis, the Adolescent Kit guides, tools and activities can be used as resources by anyone developing programme guidance materials. UNICEF Country Offices and their partners have used and adapted Adolescent Kit materials to develop new curricula, manuals and guides for use in schools, nonformal education programmes, national curriculum policy, and other interventions they support.

If you will be translating the Adolescent Kit into a new language, or using the guides, tools and activities as resources for a new publication, we ask that you include this note and citation in any electronic or print materials you produce:

    The United Nations Children’s Fund, The Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation, UNICEF, New York, 2016.

    This publication was developed using information and concepts from UNICEF’s Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation. For more information about the Adolescent Kit, please visit

Find more resources. The Adolescent Kit was developed in collaboration with UNICEF Country Offices, partners, and adolescents around the world. Download and read the Adolescent Kit Sources list to learn more. Go to the Additional Resources page to find recommended knowledge and guidance materials that may be useful in your context.