Planning activity sessions for adolescents

Adolescents benefit from space for creativity and fun, balanced by structure and routine as they are learning, playing and working together. Knowing what to expect, and what will be expected of them, helps them to focus and engage in activities, interact positively with each other, and feel confident and ready to take on challenges such as sharing their ideas or trying new skills.

To make adolescents’ activity time supportive, safe and helpful, facilitators should plan it with a consistent sequence of steps, so that every session includes opportunities for adolescents to work independently, connect with others in their Circle and share their progress. These session steps should also include processes for facilitators to learn about each adolescent participant in a Circle, and to monitor and assess the entire Adolescent Circle’s progress as the adolescents participate in programmes or interventions and pursue their goals together.

What is a session?

A session is the period of time when an Adolescent Circle meets and participates in activities together. A session should follow a set of steps that is used routinely each time a Circle meets. In this guidance, eight steps are recommended. Sessions and steps should be adapted to each Circle’s particular needs. The duration and structure of sessions and session steps may change as adolescents work on different activities and phases together.

Learn more by reading this overview of how to plan sessions for adolescents that include eight recommended steps.

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