Use ten key approaches for working with and for adolescents

When working with adolescents, it is how you engage with them that matters. The way that you involve adolescent girls and boys in activities, the type of environment you create for them and the approaches that you use to connect with them can make a real difference in your work together.

These Ten Key Approaches are at the heart of all of the guidance, activities and tools in the Adolescent Kit, and are critical to successful interventions with adolescents in humanitarian situations. They explain how programme coordinators, facilitators and others can engage positively with adolescents, and outline ways to make the most out of their time together.

The Ten Key Approaches include:

  • Reach out to all adolescents
    Reach out to all adolescents
  • Provide structure and support
    Provide structure and support
  • Listen to adolescents
    Listen to adolescents
  • Let adolescents take the lead
    Let adolescents take the lead
  • Include all adolescents
    Include all adolescents
  • Make space for expression and creativity
    Make space for expression and creativity
  • Challenge and encourage adolescents
    Challenge and encourage adolescents
  • Improvise and adapt
    Improvise and adapt
  • Build connections
    Build connections
  • Build on the positive
    Build on the positive

The Ten Key Approaches have been tried and tested with adolescent girls and boys around the world, and found to be the most effective approaches for working with adolescents and making positive changes in their lives. They bring together best practice and standards from:

You will find reminders to use each approach in specific ways throughout all of the guidance, tools and activities in the Adolescent Kit. Read more about the Ten Key Approaches to learn how your entire programme team can put each approach into action, working together to support each other and to engage adolescent girls and boys.