Additional Resources

The Adolescent Kit is designed for use and adaptation in a wide range of programme and humanitarian contexts to support adolescents with diverse interests and needs.

Access* and use the resources above and below:

  • to ensure that your programmes and interventions for adolescents uphold all global minimum standards for working with and for adolescents and other children adults in humanitarian contexts and other challenging circumstances
  • to find and use essential training resources to prepare your team to work with and for adolescents
  • to learn more about best practices and emerging, innovative approaches for working with and for adolescents
  • to explore other curricula and activity guides for adolescents that can be used together with the Adolescent Kit activities

*Some of these links will take you to external sites.

Read more about adolescents in humanitarian contexts to prepare to use the Kit to address their risks, vulnerabilities, needs and priorities in your context.


With us and For Us: Working with and for Young People in Humanitarian and Protracted Crises

UNICEF Youth Advocacy Guide

Adolescents as Peacebuilders Toolkit

Peacebuilding Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills: Desk review and recommendations



Adolescents: An Age of Opportunity - The State of the World’s Children
UNICEF, 2011.
Examines the global state of adolescents, and outlines the challenges they face in health, education, protection and participation

ARC Foundation Module: Child and Adolescent Development
Action for the Rights of Children, 2001.
Provides guidance and tools for supporting children and adolescents in humanitarian situations

INEE Minimum Standards Collection: Adolescents and Youth
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).
List tools and resources for ensuring adolescents’ access to learning activities and education 

Child participation

Every Child’s Right to be Heard
UNICEF and Save the Children, 2011.
A resource guide that includes guidelines for upholding children’s right to participation in conflict and humanitarian settings (Chapter 7, p.139)

ARC Foundation Module 4: Participation and Inclusion
Action for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Provides practical guidance and tools for supporting children’s participation and inclusion in humanitarian situations 

Putting Children at the Centre: A practical guide to children’s participation
Save the Children, 2010.
Offers guidance on how to support children’s meaningful involvement in governance, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation across humanitarian and other programmes 

Speaking Out, Being Heard: Experiences of child participation and accountability to children from around the world
Save the Children UK, 2010.
Brings together theoretical and practical approaches to supporting children’s participation

Engaged and heard! Guidelines on adolescent engagement and civic participation
UNICEF, 2020.
Guidelines to support the design of meaningful and equitable Adolescent Participation and Civic Engagement. They provide information on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how-to’ of adolescent participation and civic engagement. 

Listen and Learn: Participatory Assessment with Children and Adolescents
UNHCR, 2012.
A tool for conducting participatory assessments with children and adolescents

A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation
Save the Children, 2014
A six-part guide on how to monitor and evaluate children’s participation in programmes, communities and in wider society

Child protection

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, 2019.
Provides minimum standards for child protection work in humanitarian settings

Bamboo Shoots (Plan International) provides training materials and guidance for facilitators to support child-centred community development and child-led community actions to address child rights violations experienced in their daily lives.

Sticks and Stones (Plan International) provides a training manual for facilitators on how to increase the involvement of children in their own protection. This manual is the sequel to Bamboo Shoots. It includes guidance and 23 activities that can be used with adolescents to increase their participation in their own protection.  

A Matter of Life and Death: Child protection programming’s essential role in ensuring child wellbeing and survival during and after emergencies

Global Protection Cluster, 2015.
Explains how child protection interventions in humanitarian situations support children

Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit
Global Protection Cluster, Child Protection Working Group, 2012.
Guidance and tools for conducting a rapid child protection assessment in the aftermath of a rapid-onset emergency 

A Practical Guide for Developing Child Friendly Spaces
UNICEF, 2009.
Guidance on establishing and operating child friendly spaces in humanitarian situations 

Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies: A Handbook for Save the Children staff
Save the Children, 2008.
Guidance on establishing Child Friendly Spaces for children during and immediately after an emergency such as a natural disaster or situation of armed conflict

Interagency Guidelines for Case Management and Child Protection
Child Protection Working Group (CPWG), 2014.
Step by step guidance on conducting case management in humanitarian situations

Our Right to be Protected from Violence: Activities for learning and action for children and young people
UNICEF, 2007.
 Guidance for staff who work with young people ages 12-18 to explore issues around violence against children;  includes 18 learning activities, and ideas for taking action against violence 

Stolen Futures: The Reintegration of Children Affected by Armed Conflict
Save the Children, 2007.
Guidance for reintegration of children affected by armed conflict

Children’s rights

Convention on the Rights of the Child

United Nations, 1989.

The international human rights treaty that sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. UNICEF is specifically named in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as a source of expert assistance and advice, and the fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child as defined in the CRC.

ARC Foundation Module 2: Child Rights-Based Approaches
Actions for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Explains how to use child-rights based approaches in humanitarian situations

Every Child’s Right to be Heard (UNICEF) provides a comprehensive explanation of how to understand the obligation to listen to children and take them seriously. It provides illustrative examples of laws, regulations and policies adopted by some governments to give effect to the right embodied in Article 12; case studies; and research evidence on the benefits of listening to children. 

The Article 15 Resource Kit (CUNY et al.) provides 10 modules and 20 tools to support children’s right to freedom of association and to freedom of peaceful assembly.  

Children’s Participation in the Work of NHRIs (UNICEF) provides detailed guidance to National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) on what is meant by child participation, how to engage children in multiple ways in various aspects of the work of the institution and how to ensure that this work is at all times ethical and effective. 

Children with disabilities

ARC Critical Issue Module 3: Children with Disabilities
Actions for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Provides practical guidance and tools for supporting children with disabilities in humanitarian situations

Children with Disabilities: The State of the World’s Children
UNICEF, 2013.
Examines the situation of children with disabilities around the world

Children with Disabilities: Ending discrimination and promoting participation, development and inclusion
UNICEF, 2007.
Provides recommendations for upholding the rights of children with disabilities in programmes in humanitarian settings

Disabilities among Refugees and Conflict-Affected Populations
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, 2008.
Examines the challenges that face refugees with disabilities, and the unique capacities that they have to overcome them

Listening Together: Examples of child participation in action
Lumos, 2013.
Examines some of the methods and challenges involved in supporting the meaningful participation of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in development programmes

Take us seriously! Engaging Children with Disabilities in Decisions Affecting their Lives. 

UNICEF, 2013.

Provides guidelines for creating opportunities for children with disabilities to exercise their right to be heard and taken seriously.

Take Us Seriously: Engaging Children with Disabilities in Decisions Affecting their Lives (UNICEF) provides conceptual and practical guidance to support the participation of children with disabilities, including practical ways to address barriers to communication and ways to enhance inclusive development.  

Tip Sheet on Engagement of Youth with Disabilities (UNICEF) provides easy to follow tips to engage youth with disabilities in a safe and meaningful way.  

Tips on Including Children with Disabilities in C4D initiatives in Emergencies (UNICEF) provides practical guidelines to UNICEF staff and partners on how to engage and include children with disabilities in emergencies.  

Tips on Communicating with Children and Adolescents with Disabilities (UNICEF) provides guidance on how to communicate with children and adolescents with disabilities in all aspects in an inclusive and legally accepted terminologies and language.  

Accessibility Toolkit (UNICEF) provides guidelines to observe when planning or engaging children and adolescents with disabilities, especially on accessibility.  


INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery Handbook
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), 2010.
19 standards to enhance the quality of educational preparedness, response and recovery in humanitarian settings.

UNICEF School in a Box: UNICEF Education Kit Handbook
UNICEF, 2013.
Guidance and supplies for supporting children and adolescents to continue their education in humanitarian situations. 

Good Practice Guide: Assessing resource needs and capacities in an Initial emergency
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).
Good practice in assessing and analysing non-formal education needs in humanitarian settings.

Education in Emergencies: Including Everyone. INEE Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), 2009.
Provides guidance for implementing an inclusive emergency education approach


 Practical Tips for Girl-Centered Programming and Participation (UNICEF) 

UNICEF’s Oky (menstrual tracking app designed by and for girls) is rolled out globally in English and local versions are live in Indonesia, Mongolia, India and Mexico. Additional local versions are under development in Kenya, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Philippines, PNG, Burundi and Ukraine. Oky has 3 dedicated team members working on co-creation and co-design with girls. They have created multiple resources, including:  

·       GenderTech tool: How to co-create digital solutions with girls, and 

·       How to conduct remote consultations with girls 

·       HCD Guidance Package 

Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 2015.
Guidelines to assist humanitarian actors in humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence (GBV) across sectors

Guidelines for Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on prevention of and response to sexual violence
Inter-Agency Standing Committee Taskforce on Gender in Humanitarian Assistance, 2005.
Guidelines for establishing and coordinating a set of minimum multi-sectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual violence in emergencies 

New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls

The Population Council, 2009.

An advocacy and research report on adolescent girls’ education, with a compendium of global interventions.

Program H|M|D: A Toolkit for Action - Engaging Youth to Achieve Gender Equity
Promundo, 2013.
A toolkit that supports adolescents to work toward gender equity

Girl Centred Program Design
Population Council, 2010.
A toolkit for setting up and running programmes for adolescent girls 


Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 2010.
Guidelines for providing a minimum set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to people affected by humanitarian crises

Guidance on HIV in Education in Emergencies
Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE), 2010.
Guidance for education practitioners on integrating HIV and sexual and reproductive health issues into formal and non-formal 

Humanitarian response

Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action
UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF’s central policy for upholding the rights of children affected by humanitarian crisis 

IASC Youth Guidelines (UNICEF) provide information on prioritizing young people’s needs in emergencies and in engaging them meaningfully and systematically in all phases of a humanitarian programme cycle. Content is relevant across sectors including education, health and protection. The Guidelines are also a useful resource to help implement the revised CCCs and the ADAP commitments.  

The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
Sphere, 2018.
Minimum standards, principles and best practice across humanitarian response sectors

Life skills

Life Skills – Skills for Life: A handbook
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2014.
Provides detailed guidance on life skills programming in the field

Boys on the Move: A Trainers Handbook for implementation of a Life Skills Programme for Unaccompanied Adolescent Boys and Young Men

UNICEF, 2019.
A programme of life skills for adolescent boys and young men displaced by conflict, poverty and often both.

Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding

The Missing Peace Independent Progress Study On Youth, Peace And Security. The UN Secretary-General appointed in August 2016 an independent lead author, Graeme Simpson, to develop the Progress Study, as well as an Advisory Group of Experts, including 21 scholars, practitioners and young leaders. UNFPA and PBSO jointly provided secretariat functions for the development of the Study, working in close collaboration with the Office of the Envoy on Youth. A Steering Committee, composed of 34 partners from the UN system, civil society and non-governmental organizations, inter-governmental organizations, foundations, etc. oversaw the preparation of the Study.  

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (2015) The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (2015) requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations “to carry out a progress study on the youth’s positive contribution to peace processes and conflict resolution, in order to recommend effective responses at local, national, regional and international levels”, and to present the results of the Study to the United Nations Security Council and Member States.

Youth, Peace and Security: a programming handbook (United Nations, 2021) The programming handbook builds on recent evidence and increasing momentum to prioritize youth-inclusive and youth-sensitive peace and security programming, as a core element of more sustainable and long-lasting peacebuilding efforts.

Implementing the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda at Country-level: A Guide for Public Officials (United Nations, 2022) This guide is designed to facilitate their meaningful contribution to peace and security in your country. In the following chapters you will find insights, examples and

guidance to support government actions and shifts in your public policy to make this possible.

The Youth, Peace and Security Primer (UNSSC) The YPS Primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approach for the UN system and partners in implementing the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda. It is meant to inform, in broad terms, the programmes and actions of all UN entities working with and for youth in peace and security.

We are in this Together: Operationalizing a Five-Year Strategic Action Plan for Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes (United Nations, 2022) This document presents a strategic action plan to move from youth-inclusive norms towards youth-inclusive practices in designing and implementing peace processes. 

Youth4Peace: Training Toolkit (UNOY) provides guidance and tools for beginners and intermediate youth trainers and educators in the field of peacebuilding. It explains core concepts and practical non-formal education methods to promote creation of an enabling environment for peace. It includes a wide range of participatory tools on conflict assessment, conflict management and peacebuilding for working with and for young people. 

Conflict Sensitive Education Pack
Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE), 2013.
Guidance and tools for integrating conflict sensitivity into education programmes in fragile and conflict-affected settings

UNESCO"s work on education for peace and non-violence: building peace through education

UNESCO, 2008.
Provides information and resources for promoting non-violence and peace

Guiding Principles on Young People’s Participation in Peacebuilding
UN Inter Agency on Youth Development, 2014.
Offers guidance on meaningful youth engagement and participation, especially in conflict or transition settings

Engaging Adolescents in Conflict Analysis: A guidance note
UNICEF, 2013.
Provides guidance for supporting the meaningful participation of adolescents in a conflict analysis

Peacebuilding Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills: Desk review and recommendations
UNICEF, 2013.
Guidance on supporting children and adolescents to become peacebuilders

Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF, Programming Guide

UNICEF, 2016

Programming guide that explains key concepts, offers tools and approaches, identifies entry points in UNICEF strategies, frameworks and programmes, and provides examples of UNICEF programmatic contributions in the areas of conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding

Learning to Live Together: Building Skills, Values and Attitudes for the Twenty-first Century

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2004.

A global study of approaches to support young people’s development of skills and need to develop respect for human rights and accept the responsibilities of citizenship, resolve conflicts peacefully in their personal relationships, and protect themselves and their health, presenting case studies, lessons learned, and recommendations.

Learning to Live Together: Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education for Life Skills, Citizenship, Peace and Human Rights

Deutsche Gesellschaft fürTechnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and UNESCO, 2008.

A guide for policy-makers, curriculum planners and NGO programme managers to strengthen the curricula for  education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights, with suggestions for monitoring and evaluation processes.

Youth and Conflict: Best practices and lessons learned
Mercy Corps, 2011.
Best practices and lessons learned from Mercy Corps programmes on youth and conflict

ARC Critical Issue Module 7: Children associated with armed forces or armed groups
Actions for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Provides guidance for supporting children associated with armed forces or armed groups

Programme monitoring and evaluation

Evaluation Handbook
Save the Children, 2012.
Step by step guide to conducting evaluations

Inter-Agency Guide to the Evaluation of Psychosocial Programming in Humanitarian Crises
UNICEF, 2011.
Provides practical guidance for the evaluation of psychosocial programmes in crisis settings

Guide on Adolescent Participation in M&E of UNICEF Programmes (UNICEF) offers guidance on issues 

such as how adolescent participation can add value to monitoring and evaluation processes; the 

important issues to consider when designing, planning and implementing activities; and existing tools 

and resources that can be used to support the realisation of meaningful adolescent participation.  

Children’s Participation in the Analysis, Planning and Design of Programmes (Save the Children) provides practical guidance and tools to support staff to build their capacity and ensure that children’s views and perceptions are included in analysis, planning and design processes. 

A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation (Save the Children, UNICEF et al.) includes a set of 6 booklets providing a conceptual framework, guidance and tools to measure children’s participation, including guidance to involve children in monitoring and evaluation processes.   

A Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults (Save the Children Norway) provides more than 35 participatory tools for use and adaption with and by adolescents to explore and analyse their experiences, to prioritize and plan action.  

Children in Focus: A Manual for Participatory Research with Children (Save the Children Sweden) provides practical and ethical guidance on conducting research with children. It includes chapters on participation, child-centred and conventional research methods and child-focussed research tools. 

So You Want to Involve Children in Research? (Save the Children Alliance) provides guidance, techniques and pointers for involving children in secondary and primary research.  

Psychosocial Support and Mental Health

Inter-Agency Standing Committee Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 2007.
Guidelines to enable humanitarian actors to plan, establish and coordinate a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses to protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in emergencies

IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings: What should protection programme managers know?
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 2010.
Provides an overview of what Protection staff should know about mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies 

Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for humanitarian settings
World Health Organization and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2012.
Guidance for designing and conducting an assessment of mental health and psychosocial needs and resources in humanitarian crises

Psychosocial Support for Youth in Post-Conflict Situations: A trainer’s handbook
Danish Red Cross Youth and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2014.

Training on community-based psychosocial support for youth in post-conflict situations

Psychosocial Interventions: A handbook
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2014.
Guidance on how to plan, monitor and implement psychosocial interventions.

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service

International Rescue Committee, 2012.
Guidance for health and psychosocial staff in providing care and treatment to child survivors of sexual abuse in humanitarian settings

The Psychosocial Care and Protection of Children in Emergencies: Teacher training manual
UNICEF, 2009.
Guidance for teachers on providing psychosocial support within education programmes in emergencies

Psychological First Aid: A guide for fieldworkers
World Health Organisation, 2011.
Guide to conducting Psychological First Aid in the field 

Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners
Save the Children, 2013.
A training manual for providing Psychological First Aid to children in crisis situations

ARC Foundation Module 7: Psychosocial Support
Actions for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Practical information and guidance on providing psychosocial support to children in humanitarian contexts

Programme Manager’s Handbook: Psychosocial support in and out of schools
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2014.
Guidance for programme managers on how to plan, implement and evaluation resilience and psychosocial initiatives for children

Working with children and their environment: Manual of psychosocial skills
Terre des Hommes, 2008.
Training manual for running psychosocial activities with children in humanitarian situations

Sexual and reproductive health

Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings
Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises, 2010.
Provides guidance on implementing a minimum set of services in reproductive health in humanitarian settings 

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings: A companion to the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings
UNFPA and Save the Children, 2009.
Addresses the reproductive health needs of adolescents in humanitarian settings, and serves as a companion to the Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings

ARC Critical Issue Module 4: Sexual and Reproductive Health
Actions for the Rights of Children, 2009.
Provides guidance and tools for supporting children’s sexual and reproductive health

It’s All One Curriculum: Guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education. International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, 2011.
A practical resource for teaching young people about gender, sexual health and sexuality

Sports and recreation

UNICEF Recreation Kit: UNICEF Education Kit Handbook
UNICEF, 2013.
Guidance and supplies for engaging children and adolescents in structured games, sports and recreation activities in humanitarian 

Playing the Game: A guide for Sport-for-Development Practitioners

UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti 2021.
The Toolkit and Framework can be used as a starting point for designing a new programme, to guide the expansion of an existing one into new locations, or to improve and re-organize specific programmatic and organizational aspects

Moving Together: Promoting psychosocial well-being through sport and physical activity 

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2014.

Guidance on combining sport and physical activities with psychosocial support. 

General Guidance and Frameworks 

Engaged and Heard! (UNICEF) aims to help practitioners in the design of meaningful and equitable adolescent participation and engagement. It provides information on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how-to’ of adolescent participation and civic engagement. An accompanying Agora course provides an interactive walk-through of the resource.   

Programme Guidance for the Second Decade: Working with and for Adolescents (UNICEF) Provide a vision for the commitments made to adolescents in the context of the SDGs, and identify implementation strategies, delivery platforms, partnerships and organizational arrangements needed to achieve sectoral and cross-sectoral results for adolescents in the context of different regions and countries. 

Technical Note on Adolescent Empowerment (UNICEF) provides a common understanding of adolescent empowerment in relation to UNICEF’s work and aims to support UNICEF staff and partners to translate the concept of adolescent empowerment into effective programmes. 

Implementation Tools, Protocols and Briefers for Practitioners (General) 

Young People’s Participation and Mental Health: A Protocol for Practitioners (UNICEF) supports individual and organizational capacities to safeguard the mental health and psychosocial well-being of young people in participation processes across sectors including education, health, nutrition, WASH, and protection. It is intended for staff across programming, research, advocacy and communications. 

Guidance on Consultations with Young People (UNICEF) provides guidance to practitioners and policy makers to conduct consultations with young people (age 10-24) on matters that concern them. 

Brief on Compensation for Young People’s Participation (UNICEF) provides practical questions to help staff and partners determine whether or not to compensate young people for their participation, and if so, how. 

Brief on “Must Do’s” for Consultations with Young People (UNICEF) provides a brief overview of the minimum, essential steps staff and partners must take before, during and following consultations with young people to ensure meaningful participation.  

Brief on Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTIQ+ Young People (UNICEF) provides practical actions to create safer spaces that support the meaningful and safe participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/ transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and other (LGBTIQ+) young people  in programming and advocacy work.  

Top 20 Essential Actions When Supporting Young People Participating in Events that Involve Travel and Overnight Stays (for adults) and Top 10 Essential Actions When Participating in Events that Involve Travel and Overnight Stays (for young people) (UNICEF) provide essential actions for ensuring safe, meaningful and respectful participation.  

Guide to Moderating Events with Children (Save the Children) provides guidance for adults who are participating alongside children in events, including as moderators, speakers and fellow panelists. 

Leading the Way (World Vision) provides useful guidance on engaging children and young people in global engagements, and issues to consider during preparatory phase, the actual event and the follow up to ensure effective and ethical participation of children. 

Tip Sheets on Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Participation (UNICEF) in: 

·       Advisory Groups (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Conferences (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Document Review (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Advocacy (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Campaigns (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Policy Dialogues (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Public Speaking and Interviews (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Audio and Video (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Networking Events (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

·       Online Engagement (tips for adolescents and tips for adults) 

Youth-Led Advocacy Resources 

 Youth-Led Advocacy Resources (UNICEF) on Voices of Youth website: 

·       Youth Advocacy Guide and Workplan (English, Spanish, French, Arabic) 

·       Adaptation Manual: to guide local adaptation of youth advocate training  

·       Facilitator’s Guide: for facilitators to train youth advocates (available with different guidance for training online or offline) 

·       Training Slides: for use during youth advocate training  

·       Collaborative Workspace: a collaborative space (GoogleDrive) for use during youth advocate training 

·       Champion Trainer Guide: for use training ‘Champion Trainers’ (or Master Trainers) to then train youth advocates  

Staying Resilient While Trying to Save the World (Volume 2): A Well-Being Workbook for Youth Activists (Amnesty International) provides guidance, activities and case scenarios to help young activities look after themselves and one another as they stand up for human rights. 

Participation & Governance Resources 

Brief Guidance on Government Policies Supporting Young People’s Participation (UNICEF) document outlines key elements that a government law, policy or strategy, such as a youth policy, should cover to create an enabling environment for adolescent and youth participation and civic engagement. In particular, it provides guidance to UNICEF CO staff in their work related to policies for young people’s participation, as monitored by indicator H.2.3.  

Child and Youth Councils: Guidance to Support Meaningful Participation (UNICEF) supports local government officials, school managers, teachers, UNICEF staff and other practitioners to establish and/or strengthen child and youth councils, for children and young people to influence decision-making process in local or school governance. 

Child Participation in Local Governance (UNICEF) includes detailed guidance to inform a situation analysis, with a particular focus on child/adolescent participation in local governance. It emphasizes the need to analyse data on the child policy framework; the decentralization framework; the institutional landscape; and the social, cultural and political context. 

Claiming Citizenship (UNICEF & CWC) offers a series of case studies from South Asia to strengthen regional understanding of intentional adolescent participation in governance practices. 

Participation & Digital Resources 

Guideline on How to Digitize Adolescent Engagement offers a process to assess readiness on digitization of adolescent engagement programmes, define digital engagement goals with/for adolescents, learn the process and principles of digital engagement, and kick start digitization of an adolescent engagement programme.  


UNICEF’s HCD in the Field Guidance 

HCD in Health Services